*Tartt's Scientific Approach*

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Henri W. Tartt
Supervising Chemist &
Chief of Microbiology (retired)
City of Cleveland, Ohio

*Life and Social Sciences*
*Science & Religious Discussion*
*Scientific Principles Applied to Controversial Subjects*
*Avenues to Academic Excellence*

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Health Supplements

I am a big believer in taking the right supplements. While I am not an MD, as a chemist I believe that most people need some additional nutrition. But always check with your doctor before taking any supplement. Enjoy this information and “Stay Well”.

– Henri W. Tartt, Chemist

Emergency “Decontamination Chemistry Shower
Emergency “Decontamination Chemistry Shower” in Henri's Chemistry lab

Cleveland Clinic


“Click below for the latest Supplement Information”

WebMD-Vitamins and Supplements

Mayo Clinic

The Mayo Clinic Symptom Checker

Medline Plus

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