*Tartt's Scientific Approach*

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Henri W. Tartt
Supervising Chemist &
Chief of Microbiology (retired)
City of Cleveland, Ohio

*Life and Social Sciences*
*Science & Religious Discussion*
*Scientific Principles Applied to Controversial Subjects*
*Avenues to Academic Excellence*

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Who Are We? (2)

'Greetings to you. It is a pleasure to be with you again'. But in reality: 'who are we?' I know it is said that if we have 1% Black blood, we are part of a black race! Scientifically, that's not 'exactly' true! Today we deal in 'composites.' As almost everyone, is far more integrated than they realize! And, composites don't always cover everyone equally. As some integration is more 'apparent' than others. (But it's there) In gene expression profiling we run into major problems. One being the availability of genetic expression, shared by most (if not all) races. I would like to say (at this point) that 'Homo sapiens' human beings are 'one-single people.'

Regardless as to what hair texture, or color of skin! They are not four (or five) different species! Somehow, a very 'unscientific' group falsely patterned this process. Dr. David Jacobs (Temple University 1992)' and others qualified quite a few early 'Hominids,' but may have been confused with species different from-'Homo sapiens' as our early ancestors! Most American, upwards of 90% of (so-called) 'Black People' are mixed with 'White genetics.' (Whether or not it shows) Genetics can be deceptive in that way. 'Historically,' this has presented racial problems.

But we think we are 'unusual' inhabitants in that we are parts of 'unknown' or unidentified original participants. The global structures and inhibitory genetic procedures don't always fit our inhibitory estimation of ourselves. We come from a 'myriad' of unknown (to us) genetic structures that 'delve' into the somewhat imaginary, and sometimes even the nonsensical prototypes! If we get into the 'HVO-HV1', etc.' Subclades of Grandmother's heredity) and diversified Genetic Biology studies) we open the huge directory of 'African, Scandinavian, and Chinese' databases! But somewhere along this way, we soon run into a 'misconception of race normalcy'

Where imaginations escalate to (even the *Moon*) where itis said (by some scientists) to be unnaturally, chemically made up of 'Chromium, Titanium, and Zirconium!' materials! These combinations of materials should be aggregated into our understanding of today's comparative understandings. Man's total concept of imagination intertwines into gross speculation often. But this process of 'Aliens, and Space Ships' may be another matter. Dr. Boris Bushman, a scientist at area '51' in 2014. And right before his death (that year) stated many 'Alien-type' secrets that were very prevalent in 'Kapustin Yar,' in the Soviet Union, and in 'Pine Gap' Australia.

Human nature is a bit 'fickle.' The average person out there tries to put another's revelation into 'their philosophy!' This almost always happens. Few of us are gifted enough to look at things that occur through another's eyes! One may not believe the number of people that try to accredit themselves for things that possibly 'God' did in the majority of other people's lives? Intelligence is one area proclaimed by various offices of 'accredited academia.' This office takes much 'undue' credit for the achievements of many who 'inherited' their academic credit from the immeasurable resources of (even) unskilled workers, or...'God? …or even Aliens?' etc.

Let's talk about the average 'Person' and their mental abilities. Psychiatrically, the average person is almost 'never' actually identified. But 'grey matter' has accounted for much success in this planet's life- origin! Much of which may be slightly 'transcendental' in understanding. Let's face it! We've almost 'always' lived in an integrated society! In the 'Holy Bible,' in Genesis chapter 4: 16 -17 where it says that 'Cain' went into the city of 'Nod' and took a wife of then, 'another' race! This Earth is 4.5 billion years old. 'Whites' have existed only about 6,000 years?

Now historically speaking, what (or who) might have been that other 'existing race?' If we trace Genesis and other historical derivative human molecular occurrences in this science back as far as the chemistry entails, the wife of Cain had to scientifically be one of 'Color!' Up until that time, no 'Whites' (Or Light complexioned humans) had 'ever existed' on this planet! (Keep in mind, that 'no human is actually 'black or white' in skin color) Those are actually only ''colloquialisms.' (And today they have political and 'psychological' meanings)

But it looks as though 'God,' (or the Aliens) must have had 'integration' in mind as far back throughout history as we can uncover. These integration principles (willingly or not) have constantly successfully presented themselves as very functional and realistic reactions. This is proven by the undeniability of will against the solutions Testosterone, and Estrogen! Sexual accidents 'always' occur (forever) between the sexes during the 'mating years!' (Ad infinitum) This particular occurrence continues to the present day. And there is still, no accident!

We can continue on in this 'think-tank' of differences between the races. But in genetic reality, they are 'overwhelmingly' the same! Science has not produced (yet) an appreciable difference between 'Black and White' species' This fact, seems to almost 'crucify' some racists! (All colors) I have made this statement on behalf of my last broadcast on this media. And I want that to stick-with you al! The 'so called' Black, Brown, Yellow and White people on this planet are only environmentally designed colored people because of indigenous weather surviving conditions! Science teaches us (in general) cold temperatures tend to procreate a slightly quicker intellect.

That quicker intellect reacts faster because of the average temperature! Reaction is always swifter because of the immediate search for warmth. Lots of natural living is initiated in general activity. That's 'Brain Chemistry.' Many parameters are unnaturally 'turned around' to meet 'other' pressing needs. (Like war, and pestilence) These (unnecessary) seeming necessities are used for implication of dire country circumstances often encountered through hostilities among politicly 'rival' peoples.

That's the worldwide military advantage! But that undefeatable power is 'What We Have Become!' Original life may have existed primarily from 'Earth, Panspermia, or way beyond!' But as of now, we have no-way of knowing exactly how. The lessons we learned in all the 'universities and beyond,' in scientifically educated medical classes teaches us: 'There is no 'genetic' difference' between 'most' educated people of the world, and the 'inept!' And I want you all to remember this: 'It is very easy to confuse the concepts of 'God, with the Aliens!' Keep this in mind!

Be they 'Black, Brown, Yellow, or White,' people are still 'all' equal! And they should not be discriminated against because of their skin color! 'Who Are We?' 'We are all just people!' And what should we know? Way Back then: 'Cain married a woman ofa preexisting Color!' (Chemistry!-No other White people) (Immigration was then, set in stone, whether one continues it, or not) The chemistry of this union is scientifically and 'morally' justified! Therefore: 'Together we all stand, but divided, we all fall!' United in final, Earth-bound trust. Thank you all. Amen.

"After almost 12 years of service, I'll speak to all of you again" – H.W. Tartt

All the Best,
Henri W. Tartt,
Supervising Chemist &
Chief of Microbiology (Retired)
City of Cleveland, Ohio (USA)
Website:*Tartt's Scientific Approach*

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