*Tartt's Scientific Approach*

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Henri W. Tartt
Supervising Chemist &
Chief of Microbiology (retired)
City of Cleveland, Ohio

*Life and Social Sciences*
*Science & Religious Discussion*
*Scientific Principles Applied to Controversial Subjects*
*Avenues to Academic Excellence*

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*Life, Quantum Physics, and The Soul*

Greetings, it's good to be with you again. This morning we will begin a brief journey into scientific developments, Love and long held 'religious beliefs.' We have universally held personal 'imaginations and dreams' of the 'hereafter and Life after Death.' But how much of this 'life' prognostication is real, or is just 'wishful thinking?' Is there really any way of knowing we're going 'somewhere' (one day) besides the ground when we die? Well, let's take a look.

(Quantum Mechanics is a theory of Quantum Physics, which is much broader)

Most of us (both Scientist and Lay people) believe in the traditional laws of physics as taught by professionals at the college and university level. Parts of teaching tries to detail each moment of this planet's existence. Quantum mechanics has recently garnered the attention of a majority of the public's recent scientific interest. There are procedures noted in Quantum Mechanics that is causing some uneasiness or perception problems. And that's because of a new 'Brick wall' that many 'biological scientist's' and traditional lay-people tend to run 'smack' in to.

The problem appears to be the 'Schrodinger' (and Heisenberg) Measurement Equations.' The results they are yielding shows inconsistencies with standard thought. (Gödel's Theorems) But don't be confused, this article is not a scientific paper. This is an attempt to submit a brief understanding of an equation conundrum in quantum mechanics not completely understood by even the best Biologists, Chemists, Physicists, and others currently studying at the biological level. And that means most of us. (Scientist and Lay people alike) But a surprising ancestor of ours may have always known the necessary fundamentals of all this best. More on that in a bit.

Newtonian Physics-Einstein's Relativity?
"But does time move in either direction for us?"

Many would gladly trade their current moments for better ones in the past or future. That's just human nature. A future when all their problem mathematic equations and life questions are satisfactorily balanced. Today most religions send their healing thoughts and prayers to sometime in the future. But if and when one is healed, it will always be in the present! Herein lies a universal problem. Many are trying to mathematically live in the past or future rather than the present. This lack of quantum understanding is happening now. Unhappiness can derive from attempts to live in the past or future. 'Brilliant' scientists are 'stuck' with the same 'bent' as the man on the street. There is nothing 'intrinsically' new' under the sun!

Some scientists are having a hard time with sub-atomic 'Planck Scale' quantum mechanics problems' The human brain ('Einstein's relativity and The Equivalence Principle') can 'hinder' study of the future. This may cause some stagnation as principals steadily evolve. The human brain prefers to live in areas it knows best. And that's the past over the present. We desire things we already know but would like to improve upon, but we should realize it's in the future that this will happen. (If at all) But if we're not careful, this thinking could stunt our natural 'problem-solving' instincts. This can blind us to the traditional lessons in Newtonian physics, as well as some love applications necessary for personal success in present relationships.

Henri, "what in the world are you talking about?" Just this: While studying parts of my library's 'Holy Book' collection, namely The Holy Bible, The Mahabharata, The Holy Quran, and The Holy Kojiki. I noticed a number of fantastic or 'supernatural' sounding scriptures and events that the conventional world of today, would find to be naturally impossible. This fact tends to turn many readers off. Especially, the 'upper-educated.' However, if we study the 'quantum world' we find it is *much* smaller (in orders of magnitude) than the atom! (1x10-10m to 5x10-10m) We see a world of unusual physics that seem to have 'bifurcated' what skeptic's and many traditional scientists used to call 'normal.'

The 'quantum world' in many ways does not remotely resemble what we're accustomed to seeing in 'Classical Physics.' Or for that matter, the laws governing loving relationships and their emotional transmission to others. In this way 'brilliant scientists' are no different than 'lay' people. Like most, they too 'naturally' prefer the past, but look for future 'enlightenment' into the workings of some of the more difficult quantum reactions.

Johnny can't control his Lady. He doesn't understand why she keeps 'bringing up the past.' Things have gotten so bad, they are thinking of getting a divorce. This comes from a latent desire to recreate the past, when times seemed better. But all this thinking does is to insure there's a permanent and endless supply of reasons to be unhappy and dissatisfied. Whether it be about love, finance, or nuclear physics.

The average 'train of thought' for a human being takes ~ 10 seconds to come up with the right or wrong decision. And for an 'Artificial Intelligence Computer' (bordering on consciousness) it only takes ~ 10 to the 15th to give us the same answer. Was there a difference? Time! But we'd rather be right than wrong no matter the time difference. "Prince or Pauper," housewife or scientist, the brain reacts to certain related stimuli in similar ways. No matter the subject. 'Every answer,' has a chance of being right… or wrong! So be careful but try and be firm!

As I said, I'm submitting the information in this article to show how deeply imbedded our 'root' supply of comprehensive energy remains 'intrenched' in the brain. In my view, man has many dynamic unrecognized abilities far beyond what is commonly attributed to him. Many of these 'abilities' manifest themselves in a 'supernatural' way. E.g., Isaiah 30-21 (Holy Bible) is a good example; "And thy ears shall hear a voice behind thee saying "this is the way, walk ye in it."

Man's ability to discern fact from fiction, truth from falsehood 'emerges' from a perception imbedded somewhere in the 'microtubules of consciousness.' There is no written mathematic, quantum mechanics equation, or theory for this 'unique' ability. Yet we all have it, and more! Again, I am saying all have perceptions down to the 'fundamental' levels of human experience.

Quantum Physics in action? (*In (Combined) Scripture*)

When we speak of 'The Creation of the World, The Resurrection, Walking on Water,' or even 'feeding 'thousands' with five loaves of bread and two fish.' In classical terms, today this is generally looked at with a 'supernatural, gimlet eye.' While quantum mechanics shows us through 'Quantum Superposition' (being more than one place at once) 'Quantum entanglement' (connecting without transmitters over long distances) and 'Quantum field Theory' (et al.) (information can survive even death) is common reality. Technologies far above our capabilities and total understanding are at work here. I approached this subject once before. Perhaps I can explain it better in this way.

Scripture: "God is all places at once and can appear to be both dead and yet alive. God can enter through all solid materials and locked doors" = Omnipresent (Quantum superposition)

Scripture: "God Knows all things. God can communicate telepathically over spatial distances at will, and can make something from nothing" = Omniscience (Quantum entanglement)

Scripture: "God lives forever, and is all powerful" = Omnipotent (Quantum Field Theory, Ultraviolet Catastrophe capability, Quantum Affirmation, et al.)

*In Other Words*,

If you don't believe your religious book because it claims things and events that are all but impossible to accomplish as governed by The 'Classic Laws of Physics, think again. Quantum Mechanics/Physics isn't necessarily controlled by the 'Classic' laws. And someone that could apply quantum laws to a biologic world would then have powers that we thought were only 'supernatural in origin'. (Note* These quantum actions could explain (suspected) 'Alien' visitations and unexplained 'powers' associated with the 'extraterrestrial' phenomena.' E.g., The moving of huge stones. etc.) This could also mean: 'The Holy Books' may not be 'exaggerating' the many highly unusual physical events recorded in scripture.

I could go into these topics in much more detail, but that may be confusing to the dogmatic proponents of traditional thought. But what if *The Unworldly Scientific Genius* (God) knew how to extract and project 'Quantum Mechanics' (Physics) onto the biologic/molecular scale of human experience? 'Supernatural' sounding scriptural writings would literally 'jump from' the text and really deserve another look with our mental definitions adjusted for 'quantum reality.' Synopsis: 'The Holy Books' may contain more fact than fiction! One might read them (again) with a more 'comprehensive' set of modern interpretations.

*Quantum Mechanics technologies (somehow) 'magnified' onto the molecular scale could explain the methodology by which many 'miracles' happened. Even thousands of years ago. The 'Sound' release of 'Exotic Matter' (negative mass) has more energy than a nuclear bomb, and it's 'measured' use might make even the lifting of thousands of tons relatively 'simple.'

*Back on Point*

As I said, personal relationships are no different than professional ones. They operate on similar principles. We think most of our relationship problems are caused by life in general. But in fact, most are caused by our attachment to the past or future. This prevents or slows solving current problems in the present. Procrastination is an all but unbreakable universal habit. This happens in our laboratories, universities, and homes. Whether it's remembering parts of The Pythagorean Theorem, or the amount of sage to use in turkey dressing. Try asking your partner for a little help before casting a judgement against them that always ends in your favor! Most minor arguments (in the Lab or love) can be successfully assuaged in this manner.

So, what now? We are only a small part of a 14 billion years old universe we can only imagine the meaning of or the reason for. It is far beyond our understanding where a 'Black hole' can be 13 billion years old and still 800 million times the mass of our sun! A universe that within itself contains a 'Cosmic Wisdom' far superior to our relatively small capability of understanding all the facts. And underneath it all, there is far more to our creation than meets the common eye. Some of this knowledge (without question) would fall into the range of the 'supernatural.'.

What can we all do to improve our personal relationships with each other? Well, for once and for all stop trying to live today as though it is yesterday! It isn't. And stop hoping things might be better tomorrow. What about today? Inactivity on 'present' problems must not be ignored. This only creates more problems. Learn to try and solve them 'today,' not tomorrow. In this case, 'tomorrow' almost never comes. Act now! This is a valid, 'Secret of (marital) Success.'

*Today's problems must be addressed *today* Or they will turn into the insurmountable problems of tomorrow. More relationships fail because of what one didn't do, than what one did! (Which often leads to a permanent separation) (cf. Matt. 6:34- Holy Bible)


*With all the 'fossils and signs of vitrification' spread throughout the Earth, Man may have lived and destroyed himself "many" times before! Today, Man's differences, (however small) already has the power to reduce us all to piles of "Microscopic Dust!" …'Again?'*

And so; "What is our best prediction for the destination of the human soul?"

'The Human Soul': Because of its minute size (~21 grams- MacDougal) with all the 'ethereal,' indestructible data it may carry, either 'reincarnates' into a new body, or goes on to another universe at death. (Perhaps Heaven, or?) So, whatever one thinks about religion, please do not completely abandon 'The Holy Books' as 'frivolous thoughts of runaway imaginations.' They carry within their pages the cumulative 'hopes and prayers' of > 108 'billion' deceased lives. Or it may be possible to (somehow) 'awaken' and find oneself unpleasantly surprised, when one can least afford to be. But then: No 'Priest, Rabbi, Reverend, Imam, Guru, Monk, Shaman, or Theoretical Physicist.… 'NO ONE' really knows! All one can do is 'believe.'

Man/Woman has spent untold 'ages' nervously trying to physically chronical why one sees so many 'unsettling visions' (Akashic, 0-point?) concerning 'his/her end.' In my view, these "visions" come from a 'Quantum Perception' innate in us all. For internal 'peace,' try reading one's 'Holy Book' daily with 'discernment and respect. When finished, simply relax, (perhaps have a libation) and 'contemplate.'

For more information on this subject see: *Tartt's Quantum Theory of Life after Death*

Today, it appears, Grandma was 'somehow' right! … About almost everything. Stay well.

*A true sign of faith, is the total acceptance of hope* - H. W. Tartt

All the Best,
Henri W. Tartt,
Supervising Chemist &
Chief of Microbiology (Retired)
City of Cleveland, Ohio (USA)
Website:*Tartt's Scientific Approach*

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