*Tartt's Scientific Approach*

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Henri W. Tartt
Supervising Chemist &
Chief of Microbiology (retired)
City of Cleveland, Ohio

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*Science & Religious Discussion*
*Scientific Principles Applied to Controversial Subjects*
*Avenues to Academic Excellence*

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Comments: *Tartt's Quantum Theory of Life After Death*

Thank you for your comments on this rather difficult article. The feedback ranged from “High praise and Quite Good, to Henri obviously has too much time on his hands”. Well thank you for them all…I think. On a more serious note; comments from countries outside the USA were a bit more positive than those from America. The American academic community can be tough on the speculative aspects in one's material. On subjects of this genre they tend to be very tough indeed. Some believe that abstract integration and the illumination of physics and cosmological math proponents are better left for the physicist. While technically I cannot disagree with this thinking, I have thought about this issue for decades (along with many other scientists) and I decided to try and express my amalgamated views as best I could. But that's enough time spent on explanations.

One quick note: Many of the countries that read our articles are not generally English speaking. However, today most universities outside of America teach English as a second language. I always choose those of indigenous background to the country where the university or profession is located and who also speak English to correspond with. It would not give our readers the best service to publish the opinions of the numerous Americans teaching in these countries. And while we do speak more than one language, we are currently read in more than 75 countries making translations impractical. Fortunately, many Professional People (and others) of varying backgrounds in the world today also speak English. The comments selected below were all delivered in English.

As I was preparing to list a few of the (many) comments that best represented the sentiments of the majority, my computer announced that another “new message” had arrived. And in came a reply that we will start with. It comes from a very well- known Educator employed by one of our finest universities. Graciously, he agreed to “lead off” this modest assembly of comments.

*God+Birth+Man+Death=Tartt's Quantum Alpha State* -Henri W. Tartt, Chemist

(Taken from *Tartt's Quantum Theory of Life after Death*)

Selected Comments

  1. (USA-University Educator) I believe most are interested in this subject to some degree. Your work was well conceived and compiled. But you wrote one line in the article that (for me) was germane to something that I have come to believe. Near the end of your article you said this and I quote: ‘We are all on a trial voyage that none of us is qualified to make.' unquote. I think about that reality often. As I said, I agree. Someone should implant that message into the pompous, falsely conceited and narcissistic heads of a few of my friends. Congratulations Henri, a very interesting and timely article.

  2. (USA-University Educator) I often wonder about the veracity of this type of diatribe. It seems that in order for one to qualify for your “brand” of salvation (or whatever you call it) one must believe in a god or a tooth fairy of some kind. All of your results appear to be either pure speculation or outright lies! I'm an atheist, and until you and others like you can produce accurate, material proof to the contrary I'll stay one! -As long as you're happy-Henri

  3. (USA-Pharmacist) In my profession, at times I look at many of the people who seek comfort and aid from the drugs that doctors prescribe for them. And I often wonder where they'll be one or two years from now. The life and death issue is one that I have difficulty with. That's why I'm a pharmacist instead of a medical doctor. I like very much your treatment of this ultimate foreboding dilemma. Through advanced course study, I can see how your unfamiliar descriptions might just be possible. Hopefully you will write future articles concerning this all important universal issue. In graduate school, my classmates and I often had Friday night beer parties where this subject inevitably always came up.

  4. (Austria-University Educator) This was a very thought provoking article. But I would like to see what your mathematical work actually looks like. Did you work at all with quantum physics? I have some intriguing work and viewpoints. I am curious about some of your concepts and I'd like to see your scratch papers”. Is this possible? -Yes, and perhaps you can help. Send request and contact information. - Henri

  5. (Switzerland-MD) My staff and I were somewhat unsettled by this article. I have seen this subject bantered about a lot recently. But no one has satisfactorily put it all together from beginning to end as you did. While Switzerland is overwhelmingly Roman Catholic (as am I) my brightest colleagues here are mostly atheist. However, most that actually read the article enjoyed it. In this environment we all need hope. For this reason we are discussing using some of the concepts brought out in your work in our monthly group discussion. I'll let you know. I may need more information in certain areas before I speak to the group.

  6. (Japan-University Educator) I am impressed by your ability to incorporate everyone (all faiths) into this article without preference. I have three questions that I hope are not too personal: Do you believe in religion? May I reference your article for discussion in my classrooms or lectures? Is it within protocol for two of my colleagues to write you?1) yes 2) Yes 3) Protocol? Yes, I'd be happy to speak with them, but please note: I don't have the time now for curriculum content discussions. Thank you. - Henri

  7. (South Africa-University Educator) I have read some of your work. I especially liked your article titled “Human Attenuation”. The article (Tartt's Quantum Theory of Life after Death) has rather profound and even supernatural conclusions. But realistically, there does not appear to be any logical way that one can actually know this sort of information. However, because of your thoroughness and brevity I'd have to rate this work in the “top ten” articles I've read covering this subject.

  8. (Italy-Engineer) I really like this kind of material. (Not that I believe it) In Italy we are fraught with religious belief and conjecture. I often wonder if there is any real proof behind the many statements of faith that are taken for granted as absolute fact in this society. As an Engineer, I have taken some of the courses in college and graduate school that are necessary to formulate some of these ideas. However, I have not seen them as a practical function of life as we know it today. In short, a lot of this “Quantum Stuff” can be a bit “weird.” For the time being, I'm withholding my vote. I did however enjoy the article. But I think we need more clarity on your conclusions.

  9. (Great Britain-Biologist) Thank you for saying a lot of things that some in the scientific community would like to say, but can't for fear of a professional “blackball” being thrown. And there is always the possibly of incurring the “wrath” of those in management whose job it is to keep “rebel scientists” under proper control. There are some of us who would like to write you, and make our more controversial viewpoints known but they are not absolutely sure of what would happen to the email and who (other than you) might see it. After all we do see the results almost daily of “loose lips” and companies that can retrieve and identify anyone's past email. -Why would anyone send me comments that no one else should see? I just published ten comments (including yours) from readers that sent email. The *sender* will always be anonymous. After all email is read it is then deleted. (no exceptions). Are you serious? Scientists that I know (myself included) would never work for such a company. - Henri

  10. (Canada-Secretary) I'm only a secretary in a medical office. I doubt that you'll publish my comments because in your other comment articles you only seem to be concerned with the “Upper Educated” and their comments. But just in case you do use this I'd like to say there are many of us “lay people” who really enjoy and do understand lots of scientific material. I have no difficulty reading and grasping your writings. I know that I represent many who feel the same way. Your article “The Willful Slaughter of Hope” is a classic. I recommend it to all, no matter the level of their education. I have never seen the subject of the hereafter explained this way. Thank you. - That was very kind of you, glad to have you on board! - Henri


In my view, we all suffer from unbelief at different times in our lives. But a “practicing unbelief” is usually a sign of youth or good general health. It often includes members of certain disciplines in the scientific community. Be that as it may, very few of us remain unbelievers (Atheist) forever. When “The Grimm Reaper” starts to poke his nose into our tent, the belief system usually changes in a hurry. When the bombs and bullets start to fly over our foxhole, suddenly there is not an atheist to be found. One of our most famous literary writers that used to brag about his atheism said this on his death-bed: “Nurse! Will you open the window and turn on the lights?” The nurse told him “The windows are open and all the lights are on”. “Oh my God! I'm dying! Said the suddenly former atheist. When it comes down to the basics of life, we are still just that curious little boy with his toy soldier or that beautiful little girl with her favorite doll. The fact that so many of our students, children, family and friends look up to us as pillars of wisdom and strength belies our vulnerabilities. Vulnerabilities that we all have. And along with our genetics, we are all unique composites of everyone we have ever been influenced by, living or dead.

That's all we have time for. I believe what we have seen is a continuing quest for assurances through answers that challenge our foremost, preconceived fears of the unknown. All an article like this can do is to try and initiate the reader into recognizing a vast, new and wonderful world of untraditional sounding possibilities. A world where things are only there when one looks at them. A world where properties can be in different places at the same time. And subjects that may appear to be both dead and alive simultaneously.

This reality can bring omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence onto a different stage and reassemble the interacting parts for the actors. The outcomes are also then rearranged. This is the *Quantum World” and things will never be the same right? But as always, it seems that the more things change the more they stay the same. Again, the one question that has in the past and continues to elude the world of science is this: “How was this (or that) done and who or what did it?” We can dissect all of the Holy Books and Scientific Journals in the world. We may even consult the “Tibetan Book of The Dead” and the “Buddhist Afterlife Cosmology” But guess what? After all of the investigations are complete, the unbelieving scientist and the atheist will just have to get used to this song: “The answer my friend, is Blowin' in the Wind.” Thanks for the comments. Stay well.

“Do you see a man, wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him.”

- Holy Bible: Proverbs 26:12

All The Best,

- Henri W. Tartt

Henri W. Tartt

Supervising Chemist &

Chief of Microbiology

City of Cleveland, Ohio (Retired)


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